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Zip Zap SE

Zip Zaps Are On the Loose!
Come On in To the Zip Zap Site! This Site has Tips, Pictures, and Products(not to sell).
I have taken Pictures and text from other sites, along with my knowledge, to make this site.
I Hope You Find this Interesting!
This Is Where I Am Going To Post Updates to my Site. Check Back every now and then to see whats up!

8/20/03 Site is Made!

9/20/03- The SE is out! Look for pics in the news tab- new tips added.

What are Zip Zaps?
Zip Zaps are Radio Shack's approch to the micro rc world. They are the only micro rc car to have fully interchangable Parts. So, You Can Tune it up just right for you. They have various bodies. Some From Movies Such as 2 fast 2 furious, some from cartoons such as spongebob Squarepants and some real cars. Because of US laws, They Can only have
2 frequencys. but, I have heard news that that will change. And they have!!!! The new SE is out! Look on the navigation bar for the link!!!!!!

The 1999 Nissan Skyline
This extreamly Rare Car is one Of The Best Looking Zip Zaps Around. Most people know it from 2 Fast 2 Furious as Brian's First car.