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Zip Zap SE

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After going to three differnt radio shacks i finally found one that was unpacking there latest shipment , on the invoice it listed zip zap SE . so i proceeded to open the boxes with the store manager in search of them ,he had five and i bought three. after running these cars for over three hours straight with my son i was very happy with my purchase and reccomend them to anyone considering getting one . heres the pros and cons ive found so you can make your own decitions.

1. digital proportional steering as well as throttle controll (drifting is now a reality for the micros !)
2.independent front suspension , modable front springs.
3.lights are pretty cool (fronts on when moving foward , rear on in reverse , all off when stopped)
4. car now has its own on/off switch.
6. improved controller , steering trim built into controller , charger redesigned (now easyier to use)trigger throttle ,steering wheel.
7. six programable frequency settings! no longer stuck with one frequency per car (race who you want when you want just reprogram your cars frequency setting)
8. old ZZ's parts fit SE's including bodys (except convertibles as the do not have the extra room in the cab to accomidate the light connector.

1. current body selection is weak.
2. SE bodys seem to sit unusually high on chassis.
3. lights , although cool , seem to slightly decrease run time (duh !)
4. lights mounted to body , slightly large pcb seems to make them top heavy (flips alot , but in all fairness it may also be my driving ability...LOL)
5. controls are alittle haed to hold (can be mod'ed to fit large hands quite easily though)

as you can see the pro's far out weigh the cons as i saw them . please add any comments , opinions , experiences youve had .

im including some links to pictures of what ive reviewed , with these pics youll also see the two extra SE bodys i bought in the SE street tuner kit one is a toyota AE86 sprinter trueno the other is a toyota AE85 corolla Levin . these are the only other SE bodys i know of , if you know of any others please share , ive also listed pics of my SE's wearing two old 2F2F body styles the dodge challenger and the nissan skyline as youll see the SE's wear the old bodys just as well as the old ZZ's so hopfully they come out with some better SE bodys soon . ENJOY!